Tuesday, October 16, 2007

I love my Husband

Brian is so cool. I left my laptop at home so he could hook up the little printer, so I can add pictures. I did not not know that we had a cord to the camera to down load the pics. So last night he set it all up for me. I am so happy. Now I just have to figure out how to set up my blog on how I want it.

I received a email from Yarn Pirate that I will be getting my 1st shipment for this round is getting sent out today. So I hope to get it on Thursday. Then Bev and I can talk about it. I can't wait to see what she has bought.

I got the heel turn and the gusset done yesterday on Shelia #2. So now its on tho the foot.
This is Shelia sock #1. I hope she likes them. Kelley told me the colors to use. I thought she said bright yellow. But Kelley said her favorite color is purple. We will have to wait and see.
That is all for know until then keep knitting those socks.

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