Friday, October 26, 2007

In Iowa

Sorry no pictures on my socks. Right now I'm visiting my sisters in Iowa. I didn't bring Brian's sock with me, but before I got on the plane I was doing the gusset and half way done with that. I brought with me two different yarns and two different patterns to work on.
I started one called waving lace. I did the cuff and started working on the first set of waves. The cuff turned out great but the leg part I don't think I was doing it right. So I went on to the next. On this one its called 9 to 5. All I've gotten don is the cast on and two rounds. It's kind of hard to get knitting done here. We are either on the go or Kirsten Jo is around and I don't dare to knit with her here.
Here is a picture of Jo

Saturday, October 20, 2007

Birthday Gift

Brian and I made it up to Sumas for Thanksgiving/Christmas dinner. The best part about it besides the food was my birthday gift from Bev. She knitted me a pair of socks. Plus I got to pick
out of her stash which I choose Mama Llama Bamboo in Caves & Crystals and also DPNs from Knit Picks. I also got a bunch patterns.

I took the socks to work to show them off and I was asked to model them which I had no problem doing. I couldn't take them off they felt so good on the feet. My feet were warm all day long. When I got home had to take pictures of them to post so when I put them down Snowball just started rolling around in them.

I signed up for the Magic Loop Knitting Class today. I was the only one that has signed up and they need 3 people before they cancel it. So I hope between now and Novembe 3 people sign up.
Update on Brian's sock. Right now I am almost to the heel. This sock is moving fast. The only problem is that I am on the morning shift and I have a hard time coming home and knitting. I have other things that need to get done. There is a lot I need to do before 24Nov when I leave to go see Deb. Here is my socks that Bev made for me.

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Yarn Pirate

I received my October Yarn Pirate Booty. I like the color, I'm not sure what I will make with it but I will think of something. It also came with circular needles 24'' size 1 and 2.

I'm also going to try to get into a knitting class. The magic loop. This would be cool, that means knitting faster socks. Brian made one condition. I have to knit him a pair of socks before I buy any more yarn or take any more classes. So what am I going to start now Brian's sock. At least I have one already done. Now I just have to start #2. The yarn is thinker than most sock. But it is just straight knit round and round.

I finished Shelia's sock last night at work. It only took me 18 days to do it. Then again I didn't work on it for almost a week. That is because of the wonderful head cold Brian gave me for my birthday. Now she is going to have to wait until Christmas or birthday.

Keep those fingers knitting those socks.

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

I love my Husband

Brian is so cool. I left my laptop at home so he could hook up the little printer, so I can add pictures. I did not not know that we had a cord to the camera to down load the pics. So last night he set it all up for me. I am so happy. Now I just have to figure out how to set up my blog on how I want it.

I received a email from Yarn Pirate that I will be getting my 1st shipment for this round is getting sent out today. So I hope to get it on Thursday. Then Bev and I can talk about it. I can't wait to see what she has bought.

I got the heel turn and the gusset done yesterday on Shelia #2. So now its on tho the foot.
This is Shelia sock #1. I hope she likes them. Kelley told me the colors to use. I thought she said bright yellow. But Kelley said her favorite color is purple. We will have to wait and see.
That is all for know until then keep knitting those socks.

Monday, October 15, 2007


I can't seem to get anything to work. I can't find the software to make the Dazzler to work with Vista, I can't find the cord that would go from the little printer to the laptop, and Brian's jump drive I can't seem to get my pictures to go on it and then put them on the laptop. Maybe the only thing to do is to buy a new camera so I can get my pics on my laptop.

On to my knitting. I got done yesterday the heel turn and now I'm on the gusset. Yeah that means that I'm half way done. I didn't get any knitting done on Saturday, I tried to get my work done and Brian stop by and keep me company for a while. Then yesterday I was able to do some knitting. We will see how much we get done today

Saturday, October 13, 2007

Brand New

This is all new to me but I thought I would give this a try. Brian gave me this laptop for my birthday present, so now it is easier to get online and watch tv all at once.

I've just getting over my cold so I haven't been knitting very much. I'm still working on Shelia #2 sock. I'm about to start working on the heel. So I hope it wouldn't take me much longer to work on it. I have the night shift this week so I hope to be able to work on it a lot, depending on what they have waiting for me there.

The next sock I hope to work on is Brian's sock. I still have to find a pattern that I like and also works well with the yarn that I bought. Right now I have a gray and black variegated yarn. After that I'm not sure what I want to knit. I was thinking about doing a hat. I quess only time will tell.

I needed to get the dazzler set up so I will be able to down load pics to the computer so I can show off the sock that I am working on. That is it for now until then keep your hands busy knitting those socks