Saturday, October 25, 2008

Spending Spree

Brian and I have been on a major spending spree. Brian spent money on a new 5th Wheel Trailer and myself what else YARN. A week ago on Friday Brian found a deal we could not pass up. Brian found the trailer that we wanted with the garage in the back so the toys have a room of their own and the rest of the trailer is all ours. Now Brian's elbow can get better so we can camping and riding.

All I bought was more yarn for socks and fingerless gloves. I finished two hats and one pair of fingerless gloves. I've bought more so I can thinking about Christmas gifts. One bad thing has been happening is that my joints in my hands have been hurting. I keep trying to knit through the pain and even typing right now my left hand hurts. I did get my October Woolgirl Sock Club Package and I've already signed up for next year.

I hope you like pictures of our new toy. Until next time happy knitting.

Friday, October 17, 2008

Knitting update

A lot has happen in my knitting world. First I talked about last post Beka's sock. They wear a big hit. I finished them right before I left to go back to Iowa. So I had to start on a new pair. So I looked through my books and found a pattern called the Gentleman's sock out of Knitting Vintage Socks. I used Socks that Rock in Lunasea and I just finished them today. I really like the pattern. It was easy, it did have a 10 row repeat. I just keep the pattern near by just in case I needed it.

I did do one project while I was working on the Gentleman's sock. I knitted myself another hat. I was at Apple Yarns using my birthday gift from my mother-in-law when I saw one of the owners wearing a hat. I asked what pattern did she use and it was out of Knit Simple magazine the eyelet hat. It was a very simple and I was able to knit it up in a 1 1/2 days. I wore it the next day at work and I had three more orders for hats. But first I had to finished my sock. Now that I have that done I'm off working on hats. I already started on the first one. I've got the rib done time to start the rest of the pattern.

I have an idea for Christmas gifts so I have to do some very fast knitting. I've already got the next sock pattern picked out and a pair of fingerless gloves on my list to knit. I think that is it for know off to do some serious knitting. Until next time stay safe and happy knitting.

Monday, October 13, 2008

Oh my its October

Can you believe that it is already October and its the 13 already. Where has the time gone. Well I did things different this year, instead of going to Iowa at the end of the month I went at the begin. I went to visit Deb and to celebrate my birthday with them instead of Halloween.
I took the all-nighter on Wednesday night and I got into Iowa on Thursday morning. We went out to Breakfast then off to Deb's house for a nap. I may have sleep for about 15-30 mins. We had major things to do. Deb and I had to decorate the Haunted Cheesy Game room. Deb cooked a ham and everyone came over for a ham dinner. Lets just say I didn't get any sleep until around 1 or 2 in the morning. Beka arrived around 10 pm I think and I was able to give her, her socks. She was so happy had to put them on right away. Actually she made Nicole put them on her feet.

After seeing Kirsten Jo with her new haircut I decided to cut my hair. Deb made an appointment with the person that cut Jo's hair and I got about 3" cut off. It feels great. I don't need so much shampoo or conditioner. Now Kristina says that we look more alike now.

Every one came over on my birthday to have a birthday drink. Here is a picture of Kirsten Jo with her Appletini aka appletini mix and diet Mt. Dew and myself with my glass of wine. After Nicole got off work, her and Beka came over so I got picture of the three of us.

Oh on the Knitting side of my life there is a lot to tell but I will save that for another posting. All about sock yarn new pair of socks and a new hat that only took 1 day to knit. Until then stay safe and happy knitting.