Friday, October 17, 2008

Knitting update

A lot has happen in my knitting world. First I talked about last post Beka's sock. They wear a big hit. I finished them right before I left to go back to Iowa. So I had to start on a new pair. So I looked through my books and found a pattern called the Gentleman's sock out of Knitting Vintage Socks. I used Socks that Rock in Lunasea and I just finished them today. I really like the pattern. It was easy, it did have a 10 row repeat. I just keep the pattern near by just in case I needed it.

I did do one project while I was working on the Gentleman's sock. I knitted myself another hat. I was at Apple Yarns using my birthday gift from my mother-in-law when I saw one of the owners wearing a hat. I asked what pattern did she use and it was out of Knit Simple magazine the eyelet hat. It was a very simple and I was able to knit it up in a 1 1/2 days. I wore it the next day at work and I had three more orders for hats. But first I had to finished my sock. Now that I have that done I'm off working on hats. I already started on the first one. I've got the rib done time to start the rest of the pattern.

I have an idea for Christmas gifts so I have to do some very fast knitting. I've already got the next sock pattern picked out and a pair of fingerless gloves on my list to knit. I think that is it for know off to do some serious knitting. Until next time stay safe and happy knitting.

1 comment:

Bev said...

Keep busy I'm glad to see you got your mojo back. You go girl!!!