Saturday, May 2, 2009

Sand Lake

Last week Brian gave me a choice of either going to Sand Lake, Or or out to Belfair. It was a tough choice do I want to ride in the sand or the dirt. I picked the sand. I thought after not being on my ATV for over a year that it may be easier on my body and remembering how ride the bike. So after work on Thursday, I was lucky to have the early shift Brian had everything loaded we hopped in the truck and off we went. The weather was great on Friday. Here is some photos of Sand Lake.

On the knitting side of my life is going great. Bev and I are planning to go to Sock Summit in Portland in August. The class list just came out so we are trying to decide which classes to take. We are going to take the train down so both of us can knit all the way there. I guess I talk about Sock Summit a lot at work because at Purser meeting (flight attendants) they decided to help me out and take a small collection to help me out. So now I'm making mini socks as a thank you card some of these will be turned into key rings. Sorry no pictures of them yet, but when I get them done I will try my hardest to blog about them.
I need to cut this short shopping, knitting, and chores are calling my name.

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