I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas. Brian and I stayed home and had some friends over. We watched movies and eat all day long. The one cool thing was IT SNOWED! Ok it didn't stay around the minute it hit the ground it was gone, but I got to see snow on Christmas.
Ok Bev and Tammy here is a picture of me with my hat on. Brian had to join the
picture so we both have our hats on. One thing I found out about Brian's hat it kind-of goes up into a point at the top. I must of pulled the yarn a little to tight. Oh well now I know what to do with my hat.
I received my package from Wool Girl with new yarn on Christmas Eve a Christmas present to me. I just forgot to take pictures of them. I got the Seahawks team color from Hazel Knits. That is already in queue to be knitted up. I don't have to have the pair done until September, but if I start now then I know I will have them done in time. I also bought some Mama Llama bamboo sock in Night. It is so soft.
I know I sai
d that I would not start another pair of socks until after the first of the year. I lied. I did not want to start another hat and I just received my package from Sunshine yarns and Snape was there and it was calling my name. At first I cast on one pattern and it didn't show up very well so on to the next. I cast on for the Sedona from Lisa Dykstra from http://ayenforyarn.blogspot.com/. So far it is turning out ok. I made one mistake but I didn't frog it I just keep going .