Thursday, September 24, 2009
Brian and I just got back from vacation at Sand Lake, Or. We got there on Friday before everyone got there. Then everyone showed up and it got very busy until Monday. Then the dunes cleared out and we had the place to ourselves. It was great. We didn't really have to worry about running into anyone. I was wonderful hearing the ocean and going out there to sit and knit and watching the waves. I won't bore you with any more words I will just let the photos talk for

Saturday, September 5, 2009
Not much has been happening around here. Just going to work then coming home and knitting. So I won't write much I will just post pictures of what I've been knitting.
These two socks where the ones I started on the way to sock summit and I did a welch heel and normal on foot then the second one I did welch heel and a fitted arch.
With the two above done I was able to dive into the new stash. I pulled out a skein from Wool Candy and I'm working on a pattern Queen of Cup. It is knitting up great. Sock #1 is already to the heel flap. I'm making them for a Flight Attendant that was a be supporter in helping me get to Sock Summit.
That is about it. I should sideout so I can go and Knit. So that is it for now. Happy knitting
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Gena's Boss's socks
When I went to see my mom on Friday, Bev gave me the socks that she knitted for my boss Ann. When Bev and I started to plan to go to Sock Summit I made a deal with Ann if she would work for me Bev and I would knit her a pair of socks each. Even though Cherina work for me on Sunday Bev and I still knitted a pair of sock for Ann. Today was the day that I gave them to Ann. You can tell by the look on Ann's face that she was very happy.
She loved both pair of socks, but I know the truth she really loved the pair that Bev made her. She said look they have sexy little holes in them. Thanks Bev for making my boss happy.
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
I guess that has two means. The first OMG will be I haven't blog since June OMG sorry. The other OMG is all about Sock Summit!!!
Lets just jump in to the heart of it. Last Wednesday Bev and I headed down to Portland on the train to SOCK SUMMIT. It was great just to sit there and knit and not have to worry about the traffic. Once we got there we headed to the hotel to drop off the bags then we went to get registered. Then it was the long wait until Thursday to 4pm until the market place open up for the students. Once it open up it was like Disneyland for me. You would walk all you see is YARN and Fiber. It was like were do you go first. Of course Bev and I had our game plan set and we had we stuck to it, but still it was OMG! 
The classes we took were fun. Friday was basic drop spindle, Saturday was sock heel, and Sunday toe up for stubborns. I learned something new from each class and it was great. I've already
finished my first two up sock and started the second one also done one of the heels that we learned in class. We got meet one of my favorite Sock designer Cookie A. Here she was signing by book.
I did spend a little to much but I don't regret anything or any purchase that I bought. It was fun we shopped until we dropped. Here are a few pictures from our trip. The loot on the table is Day 1 of shopping and what is in the chair was day number 2 purchases. I can't wait until I finish the socks that are on the needles to dive into the new yarn.
This is Mama Lla
mma Cathy Kerth she is one of my very favorite dyer. She has the best colorways that I love.
That is it now for now I have to start getting ready for work. I will try to be better at blogging and post more photos from sock summit. Keep those hands knitting.
Monday, June 1, 2009
left my voice in Iowa
I made it back from Deb's house no problem, the only thing was I left my voice there. Lets start from the beginning Wed May 20. I started work at 0915 and I tried for 3 different flights to get to Iowa. I finally decided at 2230 to go home and try again the next morning. I only got two hours of sleep, but I got up and tried the next morning and the only way I got out was (and I very grateful) because a Seattle base flight attendant took the jump seat so I could get on. After that everything went fine.

I had a great visit with Deb and the girls. While I was there we celebrated Kirsten Jo's birthday and also Nicole's. I didn't get to celebrate Beka's graduation and Kristina's birthday it sucks coming home. My allergies acted up on Thursday so by Saturday when it was time for me to come home my voice was gone. Here are some photos from the trip.
Monday, May 18, 2009
Brian and I did it, finally add color to the inside of our house. On Saturday we started by finally picking out colors and trying them on the wall to see what we like. We decided on two different colors and off we went. We started with the ceiling and painted that white and then onto the walls. Here are some pictures of what we did and the colors are Green Tea and Summer Harvest.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009
In the words of......Stephanie Pearl-McPhee
5 ways that knitting is better than video games.
1. I never, ever have to take turns with my sister.
2. I decide how many points I get and for what.
3. I can do it even if the power goes out.
4. I never lose because I forgot to hit "save" before
I go do something else.
5. If my mother was to come unhinged and scream,
"I cannot stand the infernal sound of your knitting
for one more second," I could pick it up and take
it to my room.
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